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Volunteer With Many Hands!

Many Hands: Our Initiative

When we offer of ourselves, our time, our hearts, our ideas, to our beloved community, we are participating in acts that are radical and spiritual, classical and contemporary, personal and communal. We are doing what we have always done, ledor vador, from generation to generation, yet with a clear-eyed view from the 21st century.
- Rabbi Elizabeth Bolton

As members of Or Haneshamah, we are partners with our Rabbi in the hands-on work of creating a vibrant and engaging experience of Reconstructionist Judaism.

To ensure that the work needed to sustain that experience is balanced among everyone, we have adopted a "Many Hands" membership model. After all, many hands make light work! When you register or renew as a member of our community, you are asked to join a Many Hands team and commit to giving a small number of hours (10) in volunteer work for the community. You can, of course, give more if you would like to!

The more faithfully members contribute over the course of the year, the more OrH can can offer its members individually and as a community. When we all work together, our community's light shines the brightest!

Many Hands: About the Teams

We have five teams, each of which is based around a particular set of dates or tasks. Our three core teams help craft the ritual events foundational to our community: the Shabbat, Festivals and Tishrei teams work with their team coordinators and the OrH Ritual Coordinator to ensure the success of their respective services and uphold our ritual calendar. The Manhigut team is designed to honour the work put in by members who hold existing volunteer positions under other initiatives; and is therefore not open to those who do not already hold a chair or coordinator position. The Tech Team supports the remote delivery of our ritual services and ad hoc events.

You can find specifics on each team and the types of events they handle below. We have also included estimated dates for our ritual-related teams. Detailed how-to instructions and guidelines for events are available on the OrH Resource Hub. If you have questions, you can also reach out to our Ritual Coordinator, or your specific team coordinator; they would be happy to help you with any concerns!

Once you have become a member of Or Haneshamah, you can see who the fellow members on your team are by visiting our  Many Hands Team Roster

We ask that each member commit to giving 10 hours towards the events for which their team was responsible. If tasks run out, you are encouraged to check the Get Involved page to learn about how you might be able to help with other activities.

Interested? Check out more about:
The Shabbat Team
The Festivals Team
The Tishrey Team
The Manhigut Team
The Tech Team

Have questions? See our:
Many Hands FAQ

Shabbat Team

Honouring the day of rest – the heart and soul of the Jewish week. Each time we hear and wrestle with Torah, each time we delight in the range of ages circled around our space, each time we take the time as family, friends and newcomers to show up for each other to recite Mourner’s Kaddish, we rekindle the spark of peoplehood. Showing up for Shabbat!

Nature of the events and tasks (during COVID-19 restrictions):
- regularly scheduled for Saturday mornings.
- set up begins at 10 a.m. to meet with Tech team/Zoom Gabbai and Rabbi to run through service requirements.
- While this team has the most events, planning is minimal and tasks are easy.
- two people are needed for each Shabbat service: a Zoom usher and a Zoom greeter

Dates of Shabbat services for 2021-22/5782 (Dates may be subject to change):

Sept 11, 2021
Oct 2, 2021
Oct 16, 2021
Nov 6, 2021
Nov 20, 2021
Dec 18, 2021
Jan 1, 2022
Jan 15, 2022
Feb 5, 2022
Feb 19, 2022
Mar 5, 2022
Mar 19, 2022
Apr 2, 2022

Check out who's on the Shabbat Team!

Celebrating the most joyous dates on the Jewish calendar. By observance as well as custom, the festivals and holidays bring delight to the senses. We pass along the heritage that interweaves thougtful reflection and unbridled joy with concern for the well-being of all.

The Festivals team is responsible for organizing and supporting our main festival events over the course of the year (other than Tishrey), including Sukkot, Simchat Torah, Hannukah, Tu Bishvat, Purim, Passover, and Shavuot.

Nature of the events and tasks:
- great team to join if you’re a young family
- team is divided into smaller groups, one for each event
- each event has its own unique requirements for planning and set-up, including hosting and facilitation
- team members needed for creative planning and preparation in partnership with the rabbi.

Festival dates for 2021-22/5782 (Dates may be subject to change):

Sept 25, 2021 Shabbat Sukkot
Sept 28, 2021 Simchat Torah
Dec 4, 2021 Shabbat Hannukah
Jan 17, 2022 Tu Bishvat Seder
March 16, 2022 Erev Purim text study
March 18, 2022 Purim celebration
Apr 16, 2022 2nd night Passover Seder
June 4, 2021 Tikkun Leyl Shavuot study program


Check out who's on the Festivals Team!

Tishrey team

Reconnecting, renewing and reclaiming each year our Jewishness in community – the heart and soul of the Jewish year. Hearing those expressive melodies we sing just during Tishrey sets us on a course of connection and commitment to ourselves, to each other and to the divine.

The Tishrey team is responsible for organizing and supporting the Tishrey high holy days events.

Nature of the events and tasks:
- involves availability beginning mid/late August through September
- each event has numerous aspects requiring coordination
- team members needed for creative planning and preparation in partnership with the rabbi

Tishrey dates for 2021-22/5782:

Sept 6, 2021 Erev Rosh Hashanah
Sept 7, 2021 Rosh Hashanah day 1
Sept 8, 2021 Rosh Hashanah day 2
Sept 15, 2021  Erev Yom Kippur/Kol Nidre
Sept 16, 2021  Yom Kippur morning/Minchah
Sept 16, 2021  Yom Kippur afternoon with Yizkor
Sept 16, 2021  Yom Kippur conclusion/Neilah


Check out who's on the Tishrey Team!

Tech team

With OrH launching virtual services and ad hoc events, members are needed for behind-the-scenes technical support. Primarily this will involve Zoom hosting (though may need people with experience using Facebook Live, You Tube livestreaming, and sound and music production skills.) We will need at least one Tech Team member at each service and event.

Check out who's on the tech team!

Manhigut team

Manhigut is for members who, at the time of registration, hold the lead, chair or coordinator positions for recurring initiatives and year-to-year activities, other than our ritual events, that sustain and maintain us as community. Note that members interested in any of the unfilled elected Board positions below please contact the Nominations committee chair at If you are interested in any of the vacant Board-appointed positions, please contact

Community-Led Initiatives:

B'nei Mitzvah Parent Coordinator
Hesed Coordinator
Chanting and Chocolate Coordinator
Roots and Reflections Coordinator
Repairing the World Coordinator

Elected Board Positions:

Interested in an unfilled position? Contact our Nominations Committee!

Vice-President (unfilled)
Many Hands Coordinator (unfilled)

Board-Appointed Positions:

Interested in an unfilled position? Contact us!

Nominations Committee
Rabbi-Congregation Liaison Committee
B'nei Mitzvah Coordinator
Parent Machaneh Shabbat Board Liaison 
Dedication Coordinator (unfilled)
Newsletter Editor
Unitarian Campus Committee Representative
Social Media Coordinators




Check out who's on the Manhigut Team!

Questions and Answers

frequently asked questions


What resources are available to help set up events? 

For in-person events, detailed step-by-step instructions are available in the OrH Resource Hub. For virtual events, the specific event coordinator, the Rituals Coordinator on the Board and the Rabbi will have the information about what is needed to host an event.  


The Shabbat, Tishrey, Festivals and Tech Teams each have coordinators; what is the coordinators role? 

The Rituals group (Shabbat, Tishrey, and Festivals) coordinators are part of a Ritual Committee, working with the Ritual Coordinator on the Board. The Tech team coordinator works with the Communications coordinator on the Board. The team coordinator’s role is to ensure that all tasks are allocated to team members. They also create, update, and edit the relevant how-tos for all events. The coordinator is the person you go to with questions or concerns for a specific event.


What if I want to be a coordinator?

Contact us! We are currently looking for coordinators for all of our teams. 


Who will be on my team?

That depends on who signs up. If you’re interested in having friends join you on a particular team, let them know and invite them to sign up at the same time. Once a team is full, you’ll need to sign up for a different team. You can see a list of current team rosters on the Teams 2020-21 page.


Can I switch teams once I've signed up? What if the teams are full?

Yes you can, as long as there is space available in the other team or you can arrange with somebody from the other team to switch with you. Contact your current Team coordinator or the Ritual Coordinator on the Board to arrange this.


Can I join more than one team?
To register, you must join one team. Afterwards, you can also join another team, depending on community need. The Shabbat, Festivals and Tishrey teams are open to any member, while the tech and Manhigut teams are limited in number of roles. Contact the Rituals coordinator on the board to discuss your options.

How can I sign up for a position on the Manhigut Team?

Only those members who hold either elected Board positions, Board-appointed positions, or lead  community initiatives at the time of registration can join these teams. Members interested in congregational leadership on the board are encouraged to contact the nominations committee

Can I propose a new member-led initiative instead of signing up for a Team?
Members with a suggestion for a recurring community activity that they can lead should consult with either the Learning or Ritual coordinators on the board or contact Rabbi Liz. We welcome your suggestions! In the meantime, please sign up for one of the other Many Hands Teams.

What if the events I contribute to take less than 10 hours?

When the team's events require less than 10 hours of a member's time, they can Get Involved to organize other activities. The Teams are designed to deliver only our core services and events. Want other activities? Make them happen! The more faithfully members contribute 10 hours over the course of the year, the more OrH can offer its members individually and as a community.


What if none of the Teams interest me? Can I volunteer to do something else?
You are welcome to contribute to something else but signing up to one of our volunteer teams is a mandatory aspect of membership. Community involvement is a necessity for our rabbi and board to continue to provide a full complement of services and programs.

Sat, 27 July 2024