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Ways of Funding Our Community

Support OrH: Donate Now!

As a small community, Or Haneshamah relies largely on the giving spirit of members and friends of the community to raise enough funding to provide the services and activities we all enjoy. Donations help fund our Machaneh Shabbat program, allow us to provide opportunities for adult learning, and are a key component for providing rabbinic support. But we can't do it without you!

Donations made directly to Or Haneshamah will receive a charitable tax receipt.

Support Our Day-to-Day Operations!

To support programming, rabbinic leadership, and essential administrative costs, you can make a general donation. It is thanks to these kinds of donations that we are able to grow as a community, and subsidize membership for those in need. 

We also accept donations made in honour of/in memory of a person (or event). All such donations are acknowledged through the Or Haneshamah card program, which sends notices of donation and a personalized message to a designated recipient.

Support Us Through Targeted Donations

If you prefer that your donation go to a specific cause, you can donate to one of our restricted funds. These funds are designed to support dedicated initiatives that we think are particularly important to our community and its' values. 

Ritual Book Dedication

We are currently seeking donations of $54 for each new copy of our Machzor (high holiday prayer book). Donations will be recognized by bookplates that may be in honour of, or in memory of, a person or event.

Gita (Tova) & Zwi Taub Memorial Fund

This fund provides the OrH community with funds for Jewish cultural and educational opportunities that align with Reconstructionist principles and values, and contribute to Jewish continuity.

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund.

Donations in the Rabbi's Discretionary Fund are used to support charities and people in need at the Rabbi's discretion. 

Donations to any of the above can be made through the OrH payment page.

Donate to the Or Haneshamah Endowment Fund

Established in May 2016, the Endowment Fund is a pool of financial assets that is invested to provide a reliable and ongoing source of income for our community's activities. Annual payouts from the fund go into Or Haneshamah's general revenues.

Donations to the Endowment Fund can be made through the Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation (OJCF) at or by telephone at 613-798-4696 ext 274.

Donate Through Your Workplace!

Annual Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign (GCWCC)

OrH members and supporters who are federal employees or retirees may designate Or Haneshamah as a recipient of GCWCC donations during their annual campaign (September - December). All the information you need to do so (including OrH’s charitable registration number) can be found here.

Thank you for supporting Or Haneshamah! 

Mon, 13 January 2025