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BaMa'Gal - OrH's B'nei Mitzvah Group (BMG)

Bnei Mitzvah Group

BaMa'Gal ("in the circle") is our monthly B'nei Mitzvah Group (BMG) for Jewish learning, social activities and support for youth and their families who are planning bar or bat mitzvah. The BMG offers young members of Or Haneshamah and their families a chance to make connections with their peers. Parents and children support one another as each family approaches their bar or bat mitzvah celebration. 

The BMG  is open to all OrH members or prospective members with children (ages 11-13) who are planning either a traditional bar/bat/b’nei mitzvah at OrH or elsewhere, or an alternative, meaningful Jewish "right of passage" ceremony. BMG families meet monthly at 30 Cleary or in members' homes (depending on the size of the group) to socialize and engage in fun, enlightening Jewish learning activities with Rabbi Liz. And Morah Jenny. 

BMG meets in-person, following Covid-19 best practices as outlined by our board.

See our calendar for upcoming meetings. For more information contact

We anticipate families will participate in this B-Mitzvah program for a 2-year cycle.

If your teen is celebrating a B/ar/t Mitzvah in 2023 or 2024, please be in touch with Rabbi Liz at

Sat, 27 July 2024