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Celebrate High Holy Days with Or Haneshamah


This Jewish New Year will be marked with a renewed sense of connection for our High Holiday Season with a combination of hybrid and in-person services and events.

We welcome members, guests and visitors to join us either via Zoom for many of our services, or in-person for a full schedule of highly interactive services and programs, delivered with our usual mix of spirit, good humor, thoughtful intention, and joyous music.

Each gathering, whether you choose to join virtually or in-person, will incorporate opportunities for authentic connection and conversation, and a range of ways for you to engage head and heart.

As we do every year, we welcome you as you are, whoever you are, and wherever you are.

Visitors and guest of OrH members are welcome to join us for the High Holy Days.

 Click here for more information.

2024 High Holy Days Schedule

Zoom links and other HHD information will be sent automatically to all current full and student members of Or Haneshamah and all registered visitors and guests several days prior to Rosh Hashanah. If you do not receive a message, please contact us!

Please note that some events are subject to change.  

7:30 pm - 9:30 pm  WORSHIP HALL @30 CLEARY
An opportunity to sink into the melodies of the season, hear the shofar and prepare our ark and Torahs for the Yamim Noraim.

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm  FELLOWSHIP HALL @30 CLEARY+ via ZOOM
We greet 5785 on the eve of New Year together with a brief service of singing, inspirational messages, and the sweet taste of apples and honey. 

9:30 AM – 12:30 pm    WORSHIP HALL @30 CLEARY + via ZOOM

The first day of Rosh Hashanah begins with a service of song, prayer, and ritual led by Rabbi Liz along with members of the community. A highlight again this year will be three member reflections on the holy day themes.

Malhuyot - Adam C.

Zikhronot - Myrna B.

Shofarot - Jessica G.

Our Machaneh Shabbat Leader Morah Jenny will offer a Chagall inspired camp program for school-age children. There will also be babysitting for toddlers. The service will conclude with our traditional shofar blasts, and our beloved pot-luck kiddush.

4:00 pm – 5:00 pm  TASHLIKH @BRANTWOOD PARK
Cast off your sins? Hang out with cherished friends and community as the year begins? Hear the call – from within, from the shofar – change, be changed and make change? Make meaning and connection on the 2nd day of Rosh Hashanah, whether you join us in person at Brantwood Park or take time on your own. 
Enjoy these two offerings of what Tashlikh can mean from a Reconstructionist perspective:

Tashlikh: Letting Go with Rabbi Nathan Martin

Tashlikh Reconstructed with Rabbi Amy Bernstein

9:30 am – 11:30 am in Room 5
Begin the second day of the Jewish year in communal study with Rabbi Liz. 


SATURDAY, October 5 (Virtual Shabbat Shuva)
Zoom Only, with Darchei Noam
10:00 am - 12:30 pm 
Register here to get your Zoom Link 
6:00 pm-9:00 pm  WORSHIP HALL @30 CLEARY + via ZOOM
The evening of Yom Kippur begins with the lighting of Memorial candles (come early if you would like to light one) followed by the haunting melody of Kol Nidre.
Our Kol Nidre Singers
Shira W. 
Thamar S. 
Hershel K.

Some of us wear white garments and tallitot/prayer shawls, while (only) those who are able, begin their fast from life-sustaining food and drink. (Please note that we begin Kol Nidre service promptly with an instrumental rendition). This year we welcome Gabriela Ruiz on cello with Valerie Duek on piano.

9:30 am-1:30 pm WORSHIP HALL @30 CLEARY + via ZOOM
The morning of Yom Kippur continues the awe-filled themes of communal repentance and personal reflection through prayer, readings, song and the chanting of Torah. There will be Babysitting for toddlers throughout the morning. Down in Room 5, Morah Jenny will offer part 2 of her Chagall-inspired High Holy Days program for school-age children.

4:30 pm-7:30 pm WORSHIP HALL @30 CLEARY + via ZOOM
  • 4:30 pm - Mincha - We reconvene for the afternoon Minhah Service, with the story of Jonah along with our alternative Torah reading.
  • 5:15 pm - Martyrology - This year our creative approach to the Avodah and Martyrology will offer a blend of song, poetry, ritual and contemplation, led by Rabbi Liz, addressing "October 6/7/8"
  • 6:00 pm Yizkor - During Yizkor service we honour the memories of our dear departed. Special thanks to Brenda V. who, who will offer a personal reflection. 
  • 6:30 pm  Neilah - Neilah beckons us, through song and silence, before the open ark or at our seats, towards the final great blast of the shofar, and the conclusion of our full day with havdalah. We share a communal potluck break-fast meal immediately following. Please sign up to bring a dish here.

After the High Holy Days the fall festival season concludes with:

11 am – 1 pm ROOM 5 AND OUTDOORS @ 30 CLEARY
Join us in the sukkah and observe some of Judaism's most ancient traditions. Welcome our ancestors or ushpizin, and dance with the lulav and etrog. This year, we'll be creating our own local lulavs, inspired by the nature around us.

5:30 pm - 9:00 pm ROOM 5 and FELLOWSHIP HALL @30 CLEARY

Teddy Bear Shabbat, Folkdancing, a celebration of Torah and a communal potluck.

High Holy Days Resources

Download a copy of Kol Haneshamah: Prayerbook for the Days of Awe High Holy Day Machzor by clicking on the book below!

Mon, 10 February 2025