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Human Rights Shabbat

Saturday, 3 December, 2022 9 Kislev 5783

10:00 AM - 12:00 PMIn-Person and Zoom

Please Note CLEARY AVENUE DETOUR (2022-2024)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 818 3375 2725
Passcode: 612081

One tap mobile
+16473744685,,81833752725#,,,,*612081# Canada
+16475580588,,81833752725#,,,,*612081# Canada

OrH Zoom protocols:

1. Please ensure that you sign in to the service using a screen name that clearly identifies you (i.e., first and last name or household name only). If you cannot be identified you may be removed from the service.

2. Please ensure that you are muted at all times, unless you are asked to unmute.

3. If you plan to call in to the service using one of the telephone access numbers, you  must send an email to in advance of the service indicating the phone number you will use to sign in. If you cannot be identified you may be removed from the service.

4. During the service, you are welcome to use the “chat” function, whether in response to an invitation from the leader, or a reflection that arise for you from the prayers, songs, or teaching. We have always been a community that values the prayer leader’s platform, or “bimah” not as a “high place” (its literal meaning) but as a shared space. However, we ask that you please be judicious and thoughtful with the substance and timing of your chat interventions.

If you have any questions or challenges around using Zoom, please reach out to We look forward to greeting you in our virtual lobby and enjoying Shabbat together.


Download Siddur morning service pages here:

Download parshah text here:


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Sun, 1 September 2024