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"We Are All Dor Hadash"

A message from Rabbi Elizabeth Bolton:

As we at Or Haneshamah learn about the shooting in Pittsburgh, the distance between our two communities shrinks. We stand side by side with our sister affiliate Dor Hadash, with the entire Tree of Life-Or L’Simcha community where Dor Hadash holds their services, and the Jewish community of Pittsburgh as we attempt to come to grips with the horror, the loss of life, and the profound violation of the sanctity of our sacred space. 

Yes, it is our sacred space as well, for we share in the openness, the welcome and the value of welcoming the stranger that led Dor Hadash, along with many other synagogues across the US, to be marking National Refugee Shabbat.

Our sense of security has been pierced by armed hate. Our response must be to deploy connection, compassion, and solidarity. Our people have been targeted, and in our shock, fear, anger and brokenness, we must - we must - hold on to a vision of a world built of love, olam hesed (Psalm 89:3)

Hold each other, let others hold you. Cry out, lament. Rage, grieve. Know that there are as many different responses as there are humans, so let us all support each other, and the community around us.

Olam hesed yibaneh - we shall build a world from love. We shall stand together in the face of hate, of this tragic act of Anti-Semitism. We shall support the mourners, the survivors, and each other. 

Rabbi Liz
October 28, 2018

On November 3, 2018, Or Haneshamah joined with congregations across north America to mourn those who perished in the massacre at Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh on October 27 at a special Shabbat service. We were joined by many members of the First Unitarian Congregation of Ottawa, faith leaders, elected representatives, and other members of the community to stand in solidarity against anti-Semitism, racism, violence, and hatred. Members of the congregation offered reflections on the tragic events at Pittsburgh and its significance.  You may read those reflections here [log-in required]

Sat, 27 July 2024