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Queering Ritual Adornment: Craft Your Own Tallis! - a Workshop with Rabbinic Intern Léah Miller

Sunday, 5 May, 2024 27 Nisan 5784

2:00 PM - 4:00 PMRoom 5

This workshop will be an opportunity to get your hands tied up in our traditions! Building on the Zoom series exploring Jewish creativity and ritual adornment, we will gather to spend some time playing with materiality in community. Come ready to engage in hiddur mitzvah, whether that's through tying your tzitzit on an existing tallis or embroidering-weaving-quilting-beading-sewing the whole shebang! 

Any and everyone is welcome and desired -- no matter how you relate to Judaism or art. Historically, the world of tzitzit [fringes] and tallitot [prayer shawls] has been exclusionary of women and queer people, and spiritual technologies are not always accessible or visible as an option to contemporary reconstructionist Jews. Knowing that, this event is designed to center queer and trans Jews, though all are welcome! Ultimately, this is all about process and deepening our personal spiritual practices. This time will be accessible and appropriate for curious newcomers and experienced Judaica artists alike. 

Bio: Léah Miller [they/them] lives in Philadelphia and is in their third year of rabbinical school at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College. They're going into their second year as the rabbinic intern at SAJ Judaism that Stands for All in New York. Léah is a crafter—of mended denim, knit creatures, Judaica and jewelry, blessings, and theatrical lighting. When Léah’s not learning Torah or tying tzitzit, they’re stringing up fairy lights, piecing together a jigsaw puzzle, or getting covered in paint. They are so thrilled to be the recipient of Reconstructing Judaism's Auerbach Launch Grant to be able to spend some time with this beautiful community and with Rabbi Liz!


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Tue, 7 May 2024